
Tags And Categories To Sort By Admin Order

  • Admin Panel
  • UI/UX
We have the ability to order the position of Tags and Categories in the admin UI, and this makes sense in many cases for the client and for usability. However, the output of Tags and Categories on the front end does not honour this ordering and has no order/weight value in the Liquid data to be able to use ‘sortBy’ on the component tag. So there is no way to render the same ordering (without renaming your Tags/Categories alpha-numerically)

I’d like to see ‘order/weighting’ added to the liquid data to allow front-end sorting to mirror that of the admin sorting (and this perhaps should be the default).


Or even if the order/weighting is not included in the Liquid data, could the component default to this sort order.

This is in reference to these components:
{% component type: "module_tag_list" %}
{% component type: "module_category_list" %}

{% component type: "categories" %}
does behave with the desired sort order by default, so proposing that the above 2 components work in the same way please.